375 Acre Beef Cattle Farm near Manizales - Spectacular Property

Departamento de Caldas - Manizales
$ 4.500.000.000


  • Valor: $ 4.500.000.000
  • Region: Departamento de Caldas
  • Localidad: Manizales
  • 160000 m²


Asking $4,500.000.000 COP = $1.046 million USD at 4300 or about $2,800 per acre.Farm at kilometer 47 via Medellin on Pacific Route 33 kilometers from the highway there are 250 cuadras (375 acres) of good waterswharf metallic cattle house for administratorprice per cuadra $18 million or about $2,800 per acre...a great price and there is a large flat and rolling area at the entrance to the property which has development potential for weekend and vacation housing.Antonio 


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